i’m sorry

salam sahabatku yang jauh dimata tapi dekat dihati..huhu

i’m trying to find you everywhere

but this is not the time for us to meet yet… rahsia pertemuan milik ALLAH

so until the day for our meeting

i just want to say sorry from the bottom of my heart

for the mistake i had done

for the wrong i had been doing

causing you hurt and suffer a big time

i’m sorry once again

our childhood was not colourful as others because of my action

i’m sorry as i’m only a child who didn’t think properly at that time

sorry once again

may ALLAH give us some space to talk

as i owe you guys a big apologize

may ALLAH bless us always

and uhibbuki fillah

may we be friends again… @_@



definisi bahagia seorang asilah

i’m happy when everyone around me happy

talking and telling about their life

sharing the happy moments together

and i’ll smile upon hearing the story

as i don’t know how to share my story

just listen to yours will satisfied myself

cause you my friend complete my journey in this life

may we’ll be friends until jannah

uhibbuki fillah

thanks for sharing the great moment and give me the wonderful memories

throughout our friendship

and thanks for guiding to our creator


feeling something

seeing everyone around me happy make me feel jealous. 

amazing and yet it gives me the same feeling

how everyone turning into an adult, live their life and be happy around others

however there is something for you that ALLAH promised

something that had been determined since the beginning at LUH MAHFUZ

so raise your head but still lower your gaze and be humble person 

ALLAH know what is the best so cukuplah ALLAH bagi diriku dan hidupku… =) 

be bold be brave and be good